25 Apr 2024

Leadership Day at CCW inspires hearts and minds

Our Senior and Junior Student Leaders had a blast at the leadership day hosted by Cathedral College Wangaratta! The event was packed with engaging activities and inspiring talks.

First up, Dr Helen Haines took the stage to share her insights on leadership. She emphasised that a big part of being a leader is simply showing up and being present. Dr Haines also opened the floor for questions, discussing the ups and downs of being a community leader in Parliament. She shared fascinating stories about handling negativity and opposition to her bills and ideas in the House of Representatives.

Afterwards, our students joined their CCW peers for lively round table discussions on what it means to be a leader. They brainstormed and reflected on their leadership experiences, then collaborated to create action plans for implementing their ideas back at school.

The day was filled with fun, learning, and plenty of new friendships. Our students left feeling inspired and ready to make a difference!